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Probable Meaning

Likely to Occur or Prove True

Probable: Likely to be true or likely to happen

The probable cause of death was heart failure.

If you say that something is probable, you mean that it is likely to be true or likely to happen. The word "probable" is often used to describe something that is not certain, but is more likely to be true than not. For example, you might say that it is probable that it will rain tomorrow if the weather forecast calls for a 70% chance of rain.

The word "probable" can also be used to describe something that is likely to happen in the future, even if it is not certain. For example, you might say that it is probable that your child will grow up to be a doctor if they are good at science and math.

The word "probable" is often used in law to describe something that is more likely to be true than not. For example, a jury might find that it is probable that the defendant committed the crime if there is strong evidence against them.
