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Bidens Age And Approval Ratings Raise Concerns Among Democrats

Biden's Age and Approval Ratings Raise Concerns Among Democrats

Alarm Bells Ringing

The anxiety that has long swirled among Democrats about President Biden's age and low approval ratings has crystallized into two questions repeated like a drumbeat: Is he too old for the job? Should he run for a second term?

Key Findings from CNN Poll

A recent CNN poll has set off alarm bells for Democrats, revealing that:

  • Only 39% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance
  • 56% of Democrats believe Biden is too old to be president
  • 54% of Democrats believe he should not run for a second term

Potential Replacements

CNN's poll also revealed that the most frequently mentioned potential replacements for Biden among Democrats are Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, and Amy Klobuchar, the senator from Minnesota.

Biden's Defenders

Despite the mounting concerns, Biden has staunch defenders who argue that he is still mentally sharp and capable of leading the country.

However, the CNN poll suggests that these voices are being drowned out by the growing chorus of Democrats who believe that Biden's time in office should come to an end.


The debate over Biden's future will likely intensify in the coming months as Democrats grapple with the difficult decision of whether to support the incumbent president or seek a younger, more popular candidate. The outcome of this debate will have far-reaching implications for the future of the Democratic Party and the country as a whole.
